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April 12, 2024

Solomon Described Plants: A Botanical Guide to Plant Life in the Bible

by Lytton John Musselman’65
Cascade Books, 2022

Book cover of Solomon Described Plants: A Botanical Guide to Plant Life in the Bible by Lytton John Musselman'65 This treatment of the plants mentioned in the Old and New Testaments will be an invaluable resource to students of the Bible, theologians, botanists, and translators, documenting their uses, ecology, history, beauty, and symbolism.

The book includes more than 300 original photographs by the author from field and ethnobotanical studies over the past four decades. Special attention is paid to plants that have been misunderstood in previous treatments.

Recent advances in analytical techniques in archaeobotany, including sophisticated chemical and genomic methods, have helped elucidate the identity of problematic Bible plants.

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